Historical Foreign Currency Exchange Rates

Checking up on historical foreign currency exchange rates from time to time is usually a good idea once you become a Forex trader. If you don't know where you came from, how can you know where you're going? I'll go ahead and answer that for you...you can't.

Looking at the history of the currency exchange rates can potentially help you identify patterns that you can use to trade the market. While patterns don't always bear out exactly like they did the first time, they often repeat along the same lines when dealing with the Forex market.

Historical Foreign Currency Exchange Rates

Below, you'll see a series of graphs with historical exchange rates from various currency pairs. The graphs show you what the exchange rates have changed to over time. The information in these graphs includes data from the last 120 days. If you want data from a little earlier than that (like several years earlier) feel free to check out our other historical exchange rates page with older charts on it. I've included some of the most commonly used currency pairs in the market today. So scroll on down and enjoy some charts. I mean, after all, who doesn't love a good chart. Am I right?

If you're unsure of how to read the charts, it's actually pretty simple. On the left side of the chart, you'll see the price of the currency pair. On the bottom of the chart, you'll see the date. The line moves along the chart to correspond with the date and the price of the currency pair. The chart does update based on the latest information from the market every day. So, in theory, the information in the charts should be up-to-date regardless of when you check out this page. If you want access to this information regularly, simply bookmark this page and come back as often as you like. You can also share the charts with others by using the social bookmarking buttons below.









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